Code is loaded; proceed with studies in the console.
Not sure what to do?
You should refer to the README section on API.
Too lazy? Try this in the console.
CS = new Graph ( 'store' )
Monitor.monitor ( CS )
CS.a = 1
CS.b = 2
CS.c = new Script ( g => g.a + g.b )
CS.d = { m:1, n:2, o:3 }
CS.d.n = [ 77, 88, 99 ]
CS.d ()
CS ()
CS ( 'graph' )
Then this.
CS.iHaveSources = new Script ( s => s.a * 2 )
Then this.
CS.sideEffectedVertex = undefined
CS.reactiveVertex = new Script (
s => { s.sideEffectedVertex = s.a + 2 },
{ reactive : true,
getHandler : false
Then this.
CS.a = 99
An example of an 'in production' app which has some of these features: AWS Step