Reports on past studies. Plans for future study.





public relations

All managed communications on commerce, art, et cetera, are discoverable via the link above.



  • Forced to study piano. Big mistake - it turned me off the field for years.
  • Had a cherry red Washburn in college, sold it before going home.
  • Did a lot of editing on computers between 1996 and 2002.
  • I have a violin, but I have barely touched it.



  • One no brainer career would be to open a cafe, and sit in a corner doing quantitative research for the rest of my life. In 2013 I helped someone set up a third-wave coffee shop, so I learnt the ropes of specialty coffee.
  • Otherwise it's just a performance enhancing drug, to me.



  • I like to run. I grew up trailing behind my dad who was an avid middle-distance jogger. I wish I had the priority to study parkour. I don't run much, these days.
  • I started studying body-weight conditioning and strength training in college. I don't know a whole lot about it, and again, I wish I had a slightly higher priority for this sort of thing, given that ladies seem to like the results. Unfortunately the ladies aren't yet a super high priority. Perhaps I will grow old, perpetually scrawny. I have a slightly used weights room, at home.
  • I have a bicycle. I ride a mountain bike on busy city streets, and then some.
  • I can hold my own on a basket ball court, and also on a soccer field when I am in shape.


visual art

  • some photography
  • some digital editing; of photographs, as well as vector illustrations
  • minimal video production
  • a lot of work in the web medium
  • some work in other media
  • some 3D modelling (Blender)




  • studies in quantification



  • studies in quantification



  • studies in quantification



  • studies in quantification



  • studies in quantification


data structures

minimalist ontologies

  • from what do we derive all memory?
  • simple but complex enough to allow emergent phenomena


natural language

  • WordNet by Princetonians is a cool project.



  • 2014-05-20. Time to rejoin the tribe of Kaggle. I looked into this as a way to study stats... in 2012. Back then my tool was Erlang, and I got side-tracked pretty quickly, ended up in Haskell, and finally got back to C++. Now I think I'll study C++ and stats together... long and slow. That's what this is shaping up to be.



probability & statistics

  • much to do; this stuff saves lives


linear algebra

  • really out of it; need to get a lot better, one day soon


abstract algebra

  • getting into it




  • vim, is my editor of choice
  • git, is my source-code control tool of choice
  • virtual machines, are the degree of IDE encapsulation that I prefer (Vagrant, Chef, Ansible, are looking pretty tasty right now - Docker not so much, though it has its uses)
  • for task management, as you can seem from the design of this site, I enjoy minimalist solutions, so a tool like Trello, or just a virtual post-its board (amounting to a slightly prettier spreadsheet) works for me


pop-scale web development

  • PHP: much, particularly CakePHP
  • Python: some, enough to get a Google App Engine project running
  • Ruby: some, enough to help a friend with homework
  • MySQL: some, enough to build a social network, and a stock trading game
  • MongoDB: some, enough to build applications



  • mainly interested in: Erlang/OTP technology's potential for use to build the underlying fabric ("infrastructure") for virtual and high-performance computing applications. Examples of projects in this space are Erlang on Xen and Clustrx OS. The architecture seems much more biological than most procedural / "stuck to the metal" approaches at the turn of the 20th century.
  • studied: underlying architecture of the runtime system, and how OTP applications are organised
  • prototyped: an MVC web framework with interpolable Erlang script in HTML



  • mainly interested in: Haskell's concise syntax, from a language user's point of view. Aesthetically the indentation semantics also appeal to me. The fact that it is semantically "pure", and the fact that it compiles really close to the metal appear to be next in the line of appealing conveniences. Finally the fact that the language is supported by language nerds makes me feel a bit more at home, for merely tribal reasons.
  • prototyped: an MVC web framework with interpolable Haskell script in HTML; on MongoDB


C / C++ / Objective-C

  • I need to learn this properly at some point, as a rite of passage. At least it will help me understand the opportunity costs of working in a higher level language like Haskell.
  • I must admit some shyness to Objective-C is due to my avoidance of distractions which are likely to arise as soon as I go near programming consumer applications (read: games).
  • I've started working through the MIT Open-Courseware on C++, whereas the wiki on C syntax is quite eloquent also.



think tanks

  • a diplomatic arm of Putrajaya



  • compensation & benefits, first for-profit job
  • worked with some ex-GE folks on organisational development and change management methodologies for humans



  • very basic quant work, at a very backward investment bank, 7 months


social enterprise

  • refer to "consulting", it was the HR guys



  • refer to "engineering > web development"
  • ran public relations work for some big names for a little while
